See How We Can Help You
10x Your Law Firm Leads!

Discover how much organic traffic your website should be getting.


SEO Site Health Overview

Gain insight into your website’s current performance.

Growth Opportunities

Identify “low-hanging fruit” that you can exploit for quicker results.

Projected Results

Understand how long it will take to achieve your firm’s goals.

P1L SEO Sprint Advantages

No Retainers

Law Firm SEO Sprints-No Retainer

No Long-Term Contracts

Law Firm SEO Sprints-No Longterm Contracts

Clear, Per-Sprint Pricing

Law Firm SEO Sprints-Simple Pricing

Proprietary SEO Tools

Law Firm SEO Sprints-Proprietary Tools

Total Transparency

Law Firm SEO Sprints-Transparency

ELI5 Coaching

Law Firm SEO Sprints-Explain it like I'm 5

Frequently Asked Questions

How does pricing work?

We charge you a flat fee at the beginning of each Sprint. No recurring fees, no long-term contract, it's that simple! Schedule your consult with us to discover exact pricing for your needs.

What is an SEO Sprint?

Instead of dragging out SEO work over long periods of time, we use condensed Sprints to focus on each stage of our digital marketing framework. Our framework focuses on your online presence (website, online reputation, and current SEO status) (the “Foundation Sprint”), SEO content strategy (the “Content Sprint”), and backlink acquisition (the “Authority Sprint”).

The goal of the Sprint model is to first ensure your firm is poised to convert traffic, then to drive massive amounts of traffic to your firm’s website.

How many Sprints do I need?

We map out a timeline of recommended sprints based on your current status and your firm’s growth goals. Each sprint is designed to achieve results in the initial cycle.

Most clients hire us for multiple sprints each year. We will always recommend the Foundation Sprint initially because, as the name suggests, it serves as the foundation of your marketing efforts. From there, we recommend at least one Content Sprint and one Authority Sprint per quarter.

What’s so special about P1L SEO Sprints?

P1L SEO Sprints represent a quicker, more efficient way to deliver SEO services. Instead of long-term contracts, we work in short, focused Sprints. Every Sprint has a clear goal and stated deliverables designed to bring you results—faster—with a better ROI. If you’re currently working with an agency for your law firm SEO, we’re willing to bet they’re dragging you along in some never-ending contract model with diminishing ROI.

Book your consult with us today and you’ll be able to see exactly where you stand in your industry, where you’ll be a year from now if you continue with the same marketing strategies, and exactly how much you could be dominating your competition if you work with us.

What if I’m a new law firm and don’t have a website?

Awesome! Congrats on that bold move. Our Founder, River Braun, has been exactly where you are now, with one exception—you’re not going to try to do it all yourself. Our team can build you a modern law firm website designed to convert visitors to clients. As a special gift, if you choose us to design your website, we’ll throw in your Foundation Sprint at 75% off. (Only for new law firms.)

How long does it take to get results?

We’ve had clients see results in 30 days, though in certain locations and practice areas, it can be closer to 90 days. Results depend on where you’re at in your current search engine standings.