We Help Law Firms Achieve Page One Rankings.

Our Mission: To accelerate ambitious law firms to page-one readiness and page-one status through our targeted SEO Sprint Strategy.

A law firm SEO Agency founded by attorneys who have been exactly where you are now.

  • We are an agile team of remote SEO nerds, web design geeks, and content creation maniacs dedicated to helping our clients grow exponentially.

  • Simply put, we live to help law firms rank. Being an attorney is hard. Running a law firm exponentially increases the level of difficulty. We want to take this one hat off your head to help you grow while you do what you do best — fight for your clients.

  • First, we understand how law firms work. Second, we do things differently from other law firm SEO agencies. As a result, our clients enjoy 4- and 5-figure percentage increases in organic traffic.

  • Nope. We only take on one firm per practice area, per city. That means, if you practice bankruptcy law in Los Angeles, CA, we won’t work with another bankruptcy attorney in Los Angeles, CA.

    We don’t bet against our clients and we don’t bet against ourselves.

River Braun

Former Attorney, Founder

I help lawyers and law firms develop their brand, refine their digital presence, and cut through the velvet ropes to the front page of SERPs—where the best clients are looking for them.

On Law Firm SEO Strategy…

I won’t lie, getting to the front of the pack on search engines is hard, but it’s not impossible. It just takes two things:

  1. The correct SEO strategy, and

  2. Diligence in following your strategy.

When I work with clients, I take a systematic approach to taking them to page one. Some legal markets are more competitive than others, so the time it takes to conquer the competition will vary, but the system remains the same.

On Transitioning from Attorney to Digital Marketing Master…

Before I went to law school, I had a friend try to talk me out of it, citing examples of people he knew who became lawyers and then quit lawyering to become yoga instructors or restauranteurs. I couldn’t imagine putting in all of that work to become a lawyer and then abandon it all.

Fast forward a decade. I went through law school, started a legal process outsourcing business, and became a lawyer. I was fortunate to have clerked with a firm for three years and had an offer waiting for me during the 2008 recession.

I loved being a lawyer (well, parts of it anyway). As an introvert, I wasn’t wild about litigation, though I loved writing motions. You could lock me in a room 24/7 to research and write and I would be the happiest camper in the world.

When I started my company just out of law school, I did it all myself. I taught myself to code websites. I taught myself marketing. I taught myself SEO.

I became a total SEO geek.

As a business lawyer, I worked with a lot of start-ups. Those were my favorite clients. When the legal work was done, we’d talk about business strategy and how to build. I was able to leverage my experience to help them with more than just contracts. I couldn’t imagine a better scenario.

Cue life.

My partner of 10 years was diagnosed with cancer. My life didn’t exactly turn upside-down so much as it just started on a continuous corkscrew for the next three years. I backed away from law to spend more time with him. After he passed, life was pretty dark. But even when someone you love dies, you still have to go on living.

While I was still working in a quasi-legal capacity, I decided to pivot to content marketing for law firms. I helped friends and family members start businesses, designing their websites, creating their content, and setting them up with digital and traditional marketing strategies.

I kept learning more and more about SEO, studying under Neil Patel, Ash Ambirge, Jon Morrow, Ryan Stewart, and others. As web design continued to evolve, I learned more platforms and how to optimize all of those platforms for better performance.

Within a couple of years of freelancing, I had a solid portfolio of clients. I loved what I was doing.

Best of all, I could do it anywhere there’s a cell signal.

Now, I’m a digital nomad. I live on a sailboat, sailing six months out of the year, and traveling the land during the rest of the year. My clients are all over the U.S. and all over page one of Google.

Do I regret my choice to go to law school?


Life is good.


On Tacos…

I’m a taco connoisseur. I believe they are, in any form, the world’s most perfect food. Think about it…you can put anything in a taco. There are shrimp tacos, beef tacos, chicken tacos…Heck, there’s even Choco-tacos! (I rest my case).

Hands down, the best taco in the world can be found in the heart of San Miguel De Allende, Mexico. Jicama tacos from La Azotea.

  • "I recommend River without reservation."

    ~Steve Thienel

  • "The SEO is working better than anything I’ve ever had."

    ~Erin Sedor

  • "I know he genuinely wants to help my business grow and succeed. His enthusiasm is contagious! I highly recommend River and Downwind Creative."

    ~David Duncan

SEO Results